(2) 2006 & 1999 FINN-POWER Turret Punches
1,000 + Pieces of Turret Tooling
FINN-POWER CNC Press Brakes, new as 2008
2001 CINCINNATI CNC Press Brake
500 Pieces of Brake Die Tooling
(18) LINCOLN, MILLER Tig and Mig Welders
(4) Spot Welders
Complete Machine Shop
OBI Presses
Factory Support Equipment
Over 200,000 Lbs of Stainless Steel and Aluminum Sheet Stock
Large Assortment of SMT, Lab & Test Equipment, Factory Support, Office Furniture, and Cafeteria
2012 ITW GEMA / KOCH POWDER COAT CONVEYORIZED FINISHING SYSTEM w/ 36″X72″ WORK ENVELOPE. George Koch Project # 511053. Complete System was Installed New January to April 2012 at a Cost of Over $1,845,000 USD. NOTE: All ITW GEMA Equipment Was Purchased New in 2007/2008 and Installed New 2012