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Rare Offering! Late Model Multi-Axis Turning & Machining Facility – Surplus to Ongoing Needs of Kimber Mfg.
FEATURING (9) CNC Multi-Axis Turning Centers Including: 2012 Nakamura-Tome WY-250L, 2011 Nakamura-Tome WT-300 (3-Available), 2009 Mori Seiki NZ-1500 T2Y2, 2016 Haas DS-30SS, 2013 Hyundai L210-LSA, 2004 Daewoo Puma 2500LY, Okuma Impact LU-15, 2007 Milltronics ML16; PLUS: DeHoff & Miroku Twin-Spindle Gun Drills; Supermax V105A 4-Axis VMC; 2012 Fanuc Robot; Fork Trucks, Furnaces, Parts Washers, Shop Van, Tooling, & Much More!

September 29, 2022
1:00 PM ET
Ridgefield, New Jersey
Contact for Sale
Paul Lashin
Email Me
Inspection Date
Wednesday, September 28th or By Appointment
In Conjunction With
Prestige Auctions
Featured Assets






  • 2012 Nakamura Super Mill WY-250L 9-Axis CNC Turning/Milling Center, Fanuc 31iA CNC Control, Twin Opposed Spindles, 24-Position Upper & Lower Turrets, C & Y-Axes, Parts Catcher, LNS Chip Conveyor, LNS QL Servo S3 Magazine Bar Feed, Chip Blaster HP Coolant, Airflow Mist Collector, S/N N280204 VIEW LOT #61
  • 2011 Nakamura Tome WT-300 8-Axis CNC Turning/Milling Center, Fanuc 18iTB CNC Control, Twin Opposed Spindles, 24-Position Upper & Lower Turrets, C & Y-Axes, Parts Catcher, LNS Chip Conveyor, LNS QL Servo S3 Magazine Bar Feed, Chip Blaster HP Coolant, Airflow Mist Collector, S/N M302803 VIEW LOT #59
  • 2011 Nakamura Tome WT-300 8-Axis CNC Turning/Milling Center, Fanuc 18iTB CNC Control, Twin Opposed Spindles, 24-Position Upper & Lower Turrets, C & Y-Axes, Parts Catcher, LNS Chip Conveyor, LNS QL Servo S3 Magazine Bar Feed, Chip Blaster HP Coolant, Airflow Mist Collector, S/N M303110 VIEW LOT #58
  • 2007 Nakamura Tome WT-300 8-Axis CNC Turning/Milling Center, Fanuc 18iTB CNC Control, Twin Opposed Spindles, 24-Position Upper & Lower Turrets, C & Y-Axes, Parts Catcher, LNS Chip Conveyor, LNS QL Servo S3 Magazine Bar Feed, Chip Blaster HP Coolant, Airflow Mist Collector, S/N M300909 VIEW LOT #60
  • 2009 Mori Seiki NZ-1500 T2Y2 CNC Turning/Milling Center, MSX-701III CNC Control, Twin Spindle, Twin 12-Position Turrets, Live Milling, Parts Catcher, Chip Conveyor, Chip Blaster GV2-80 High Pressure Coolant Unit, LNS QL Servo Bar Feed, Airflow Mist Collector, S/N NZ150IG0136 VIEW LOT #51
  • 2016 Haas DS-30SS CNC Turning Center, Haas CNC Control, Main & Sub Spindles, 31.7″ Swing, 12-Position Turret, Tool Eye, Part Catcher, Haas Magazine Bar Feed, Chip Blaster HP Coolant, S/N 3105326 VIEW LOT #56
  • 2013 Hyundai Wia L210LSA CNC Turning Center, Fanuc i Series CNC Control, Main & Sub Spindles, 21.7″ Swing, 12-Position Turret, Tool Eye, Part Catcher, LNS Chip Conveyor, LNS Magazine Bar Feed, Chip Blaster HP Coolant, S/N G3151-0144 VIEW LOT #49
  • 2004 Daewoo Puma 2500LY CNC Turning Center, Fanuc 18iTB CNC Control, 23.6″ Swing, 29.5″ Centers, 12-Position Turret, Parts Catcher, Tailstock, Tool Eye, Turbo Chip Conveyor, S/N P250LY0372 VIEW LOT #49
  • 2007 Milltronics ML-16 CNC Turning Center, Centurion 7 CNC Control, 17″ Swing, 40″ Centers, Tool Post, 8″ Chuck, Tailstock VIEW LOT #45
  • Okuma Impact LU-15MY 5-Axis CNC 4-Axis CNC Turning Center, OSP-U100L CNC Control, 21″ Swing, 12-Position Upper Turret, 8-Position Lower Turret, Tailstock, Rohm Steady Rest, Enomoto Chip Conveyor, S/N 2233 VIEW LOT #53


  • Supermax V105A 4-Axis CNC Vertical Machining Center, Fanuc 18M CNC Control, 44″ x 22″ Table, 30 ATC, Dual Platter 4th-Axis CNC Rotary Table, S/N 810181 VIEW LOT #46


  • Dehoff HH-1910 Twin Spindle Gun Drill, High Pressure Coolant, 30 HP Hydraulic Power Unit, Bijur Lube System, Allen Bradley Panelview 550 PLC, AEC PSA15 Chiller, LNS Magnetic Chip Conveyor, S/N 2746 [1999] VIEW LOT #44
  • Miroku S-800-2 Twin Spindle Gun Drill, Automatic Feed, Gravity Bar Feed, Chip Blaster GV High Pressure Coolant, Filtration, Buhri RC30FGMB-1.44 Magnetic Chip Conveyor VIEW LOT #43



  • (2) Hevi-Duty HD-2448 Electric Stress Furnaces, 24″ X 48″ Capacity, Articulating Top Lid, 1850F Deg., 105 kW, Electric Fired, S/N: 58823; N/A, With  Watlow EZ Zone Digital Temperature Controls, (3) Pots VIEW LOT #30 / VIEW LOT #32


  • (2) Ramco Drop-In Parts Washers, with Ramco Digital Temperature Controls, Basket Elevators, Digital Process Controls VIEW LOT #27 / VIEW LOT #28
  • Graymills Tub-Type Parts Washer VIEW LOT #26


  • Toyota 6000LB LP Fork Truck, Model 8FGU32, Side Shift, Solid Tires, S/N 30281 VIEW LOT #334
  • Clark C-25L LP Fork Truck, S/N C232L-010-2575KF VIEW LOT #333


  • (2) Dayton 2-Ton Spinning Jib Cranes, 8′ Arm, with Dayton 2-Ton Chain Hoists, Pendant Control VIEW LOT #29 / VIEW LOT #31
  • (1) Dayton 2-Ton Column-Mounted Jib Crane, with 2-TON CM Electric Hoist, Pendent Controls VIEW LOT #33


PLUS: Cabinets, Tool Holders, Tooling, and Much, Much, More!


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