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Surplus to Kimber Manufacturing – World Class Small Arms Manufacturer
Featuring (3) 2008 Makino A71 CNC Horizontal Machining Centers, 2011 Doosan Mynx 5400/50 CNC Vertical Machining Center, (3) 2012 Fryer MB-10R CNC Vertical Mills, 2008 Wenzel X0-0812-154 CMM, (3) 2015 Renishaw Equator 300 CMM’s, (4) AutoCrib Tool Dispensing Machines, PLUS: Komo Mach 3 VR1005TT CNC 3-Spindle Router, 2018 Sullair Air Compressors & Dryers ,OR Laser CNC Engraving Machine, Zingenarm Wood Checkering Machine, American Broaches, Curing Oven, DoAll Band Saws, Heavy Duty Racking, Workbenches, Tool Cabinets, & More!

May 21st, 2024
1:00 PM ET
Yonkers, New York
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Paul Lashin
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By Appointment
Featured Assets




  • Makino A71 CNC Horizontal Machining Center, Makino Professional 5 CNC Control, Travels: X-28.7″, Y-28.7″, Z-31.5″, (2) 19.7″ X 19.7″ Pallets, Automatic Pallet Changer, 124-Position Automatic Tool Changer, 10,000 RPM, CAT 50 Spindle Taper, Coolant Thru-Spindle, Mosnic R030-116A Chip Conveyor, Chip Blaster JV10 High Pressure Coolant Unit, Oilmatic MLSB-11A-N-CE Oil Temperature Regulator, Yuken 641466B Hydraulic Power Unit, SMC IDF6E Air Dryer, S/N 08-723 [2008] VIEW VIDEO / VIEW LOT #9
  • Makino A71 CNC Horizontal Machining Center, Makino Professional 5 CNC Control, Travels: X-28.7″, Y-28.7″, Z-31.5″, (2) 19.7″ X 19.7″ Pallets, Automatic Pallet Changer, 124-Position Automatic Tool Changer, 10,000 RPM, CAT 50 Spindle Taper, Coolant Thru-Spindle, Mosnic R030-116A Chip Conveyor, Chip Blaster JV10 High Pressure Coolant Unit, Oilmatic MLSB-11A-N-CE Oil Temperature Regulator, Yuken 641466B Hydraulic Power Unit, SMC IDF60-2-X352 Air Dryer, S/N 07-500 [2007] VIEW VIDEO / VIEW LOT #10
  • Makino A71 CNC Horizontal Machining Center, Makino Professional 3 CNC Control ,Travels: X-28.7″, Y-28.7″, Z-31.5″, (2) 19.7″ X 19.7″ Pallets, Automatic Pallet Changer, 124-Position Automatic Tool Changer, 10,000 RPM, CAT 50 Spindle Taper, Coolant Thru-Spindle, Mosnic RDCC-116A Chip Conveyor, Chip Blaster JV10 High Pressure Coolant Unit, Oilmatic Oil Temperature Regulator, Yuken 641466A Hydraulic Power Unit, SMC IDF60-2-X352 Air Dryer, S/N 03-85 [2003] VIEW VIDEO / VIEW LOT #11


  • Doosan Mynx 5400/50 CNC Vertical Machining Center, Doosan Fanuc i-Series CNC Control, Travels: X-40.1″, Y-21.2″, Z-20.8″, Table Size: 47.2″ X 21.2″, 24-Position Automatic Tool Changer, 6,000 RPM, BT-50 Spindle Taper, Nanocool Oil Temperature Regulator, Hydraulic Power Unit, Pro Fluid MCF20 High Pressure Coolant, Jorgenson Chip Conveyor, Coolant Filtration Unit [2011] VIEW VIDEO / VIEW LOT #8
  • Fryer MB-10R CNC Vertical Machining Center, Travels: X-32″, Y-17″, Z-19″, Table Size: 50” x 14”, 2,000 Lb. Table Weight Capacity, 16-Position ATC, CAT 40 Spindle Taper, 8000 RPM, 12 HP Motor, CES 1-Shot Lube System, Baldor H2 Vector Drive, Coolant Pump, Anilam 3000 CNC Control, S/N 10850 [2012] VIEW VIDEO / VIEW LOT #5
  • Fryer MB-10R CNC Vertical Machining Center, Travels: X-32″, Y-17″, Z-19″, Table Size: 50” x 14”, 2,000 Lb. Table Weight Capacity, CAT 40 Spindle Taper, 8000 RPM, 12 HP Motor, CES 1-Shot Lube System, Baldor H2 Vector Drive, Coolant Pump, Anilam 3000 CNC Control, S/N 10197 [2007] VIEW VIDEO / VIEW LOT #6
  • Fryer MB-10R CNC Vertical Machining Center, Travels: X-32″, Y-17″, Z-19″, Table Size: 50” x 14”, 2,000 Lb. Table Weight Capacity, CAT 40 Spindle Taper, 8000 RPM, 12 HP Motor, CES 1-Shot Lube System, Baldor H2 Vector Drive, Coolant Pump, Anilam 3000 CNC Control, S/N 10155 [2007] VIEW VIDEO / VIEW LOT #7


  • Wenzel Xorbit XO-65 Coordinate Measuring Machine, 36″ x 72″ x 8″ Tapped Granite Surface Plate, 32″ Travel, Pendant Controls, Laser Printer, Renishaw PH10M Programmable Probe Head, Renishaw SDCR-200 Probe Tree, Renishaw Calibration Point, Dell PC with LCD Monitor, S/N XO0812-154 [2008] VIEW LOT #19
  • (3) Renishaw Equator 300 Bench Top Coordinate Measuring Machines, Ear 6 Probe Tree, S/N’s 146T11, 146T13 VIEW LOT #20 / VIEW LOT #21 / VIEW LOT #22


  • Komo Mach3 VR1005TT CNC 3-Spindle Router, Fanuc CNC Control, Double Column, Travels: X-162”, Y-80”, Z-15”, (2) 60″ X 60″ Tables, [3] Spindle Heads, Each With 12-Position Automatic Tool Changer, HSK 63F Spindle Taper, 21′ Between Columns, HSK-F63-ER40X70 Spindle Tool Holder, S/N: 39558-06-01-02 [2002] VIEW LOT #4


  • (2) American Broach Machine Co. T-6-24 Vertical Hydraulic Broaches, 6-Ton Capacity, 24” Stroke, Coolant, S/N 3369; S/N 563 VIEW LOT #2 / VIEW LOT #3


  • Sullair V160-75HA Variable Speed Drive Screw Type Air Compressor, S/N 003-145788 [2018] VIEW LOT #13
  • Sullair 7507VAC 7500II Air Compressor, Variable Speed Drive, Screw Type,1780-RPM, 113.1 BHP, 93.7-kw, WS Controller, 100-PSI, S/N 201301240063 [2013] VIEW LOT #15
  • Sullair 5500 24KT 5507V/A Air Compressor, 75-HP, Screw Type, 110-psi Max., Vari Speed Drive, WS Controller S/N 200810130068 [2008] VIEW LOT #14
  • Sullair RD500 Refrigerated Compressed Air Dryer, S/N 2612SA01540 [2013] VIEW LOT #16
  • Sullair SRL-02250169-440 Refrigerated Compressed Air Dryer, 407C Refrigerant, S/N 3660940002 VIEW LOT #17
  • Steel Vertical Air Storage Tank VIEW LOT #18


  • AutoCrib RoboCrib 2000 Industrial Tool Dispensing Machine VIEW LOT #27
  • AutoCrib RoboCrib 1000 Industrial Tool Dispensing Machine  VIEW LOT #28 
  • AutoCrib RoboCrib VX500 Industrial Tool Dispensing Machine, S/N RVX-02150079500 VIEW LOT #29
  • AutoCrib RoboCrib 500 Industrial Tool Dispensing Machine, S/N 611-5286 VIEW LOT #30


  • DoAll 2013 V-3 Vertical Band Saw, S/N 57204132 [2004] VIEW LOT #1
  • Natural Gas Fired Curing Paint Oven, with Roof Ventilation, Honeywell Digital Temperature Controls, Continuous Chain Driven Overhead Conveyor, Lube Logic Lubrication System, Var-Speed Controls [2013] VIEW LOT #38
  • Orlas Portal Laser CNC Engraving System, Warp Cube Head, PC Controls, S/N 0017929 [2016] VIEW LOT #37
  • Zigrinarm Via Giovanni 4-Head Wood Engraving Machine (Checkering Machine), NUM CNC Controls, S/N 0106Z6A01 [2002] VIEW LOT #24
  • Harmony M42BC Vertical Baler, 22” x 42” x 30” Bale Size Capacity, 180 Lb. Bale Weight Capacity, S/N M42BC-4202 [2008] VIEW LOT #52
  • Lyndex Elbo E238 Tool Presetter, Digital Controls, Comparator Viewing Mounted on Metrolab Granite Surface Plate, S/N 5579 VIEW LOT #23
  • Aire Works FX-15-4000 16-Bag Type Dust Collector, 15 HP Motor VIEW LOT #4
  • Warner & Swasey No. 5 Turret Lathe, Model M2250, 6-Station Turret, Square Head, S/N 1556518 [LOCATED IN TROY, ALABAMA] VIEW LOT #25
  • Hardinge DV-59 Precision 2nd Operation Lathe, 6-Station Turret, Drawbar, 230-3500 RPM, Quick Action & Hand Crank Cross Slides, S/N DV-59-16344 [LOCATED IN TROY, ALABAMA] VIEW LOT #26
  • Assorted Benches, Shop Carts, Miscellaneous Items and More!
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