Prestige Equipment is the world's leading provider of Nordson Excel 2000 (15) Gun Automatic Powder Coat Paint Booth & machine tools & fabricating equipment. Take a look at our wide selection of new and used Paint Systems & Eq. Including Powder Coating Lines for sale.
Product Specifications
Product Specifications
Paint Booth Opening
1.22 M x 2.13 M
Equipped With:
Lot #251 Nordson Excel 2000 Booth iControl 2 Integrated Control
iControl Integrated Control
(15) Automatic Paint Guns
Nordson Powder Feed Center
Powder Paint Recovery System
Also available, Lot #252 a Eisenmann Manual Powder Spray Booth,
approximately 1.22 M x 1.83 M opening, Nordson Encore Spray Gun,
Gema Easy Tronic Control, Reclaim
Auction Message:
Being Offered a Rex Companies Online Auction in Newport News, Virginia Closing March 18th.