Prestige Equipment is the world's leading provider of Whitney 3400 RTC-60 Punch Plasma Machine & machine tools & fabricating equipment. Take a look at our wide selection of new and used Punch Plasma Combination Single Station Punches for sale.
Product Specifications
Fanuc 16-P CNC Control
Hypertherm HT 2000 LHF
9-Station Automatic Tool Changer
Dust Collector
Misc. Punches & Dies
Product Specifications
Punch Capacity
40 Ton
Sheet Width, Maximum
1524 MM
X-Axis Travel
3556 MM
Y-Axis Travel
1562 MM
Table Dimensions
1524 MM x 3556 MM
Maximum Sheet Thickness
13 MM
Max. Workpiece Weight
295 KG .
Max. Hole Diameter,6 MM Material
127 MM
Max. Hole Diameter,13 MM Material
25 MM
Max Hit Rate, 25 MM Centers in 10Ga
93 KW M
Nibble Speed
186 KW M
Equipped With:
Fanuc 16-P CNC Control
Hypertherm HT 2000 LHF
9-Station Automatic Tool Changer
Dust Collector
Misc. Punches & Dies
Fanuc 16-P CNC Control
Hypertherm HT 2000 LHF
9-Station Automatic Tool Changer
Dust Collector
Misc. Punches & Dies
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